§ 3-9. Approval of ordinances and appropriations by the Mayor.  

Latest version.
  • Every ordinance enacted by the City Council except an emergency ordinance, or an ordinance relating to the Council or its procedures shall, before it becomes effective, be certified to the Mayor for approval within seventy-two (72) hours after enactment by the Council which period shall not include Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays as designated by the General Statutes. The Mayor shall sign the proposed ordinance, if it is approved, whereupon, subject to the provisions of section 3-10 of this Charter, it shall become effective. If the Mayor disapproves a proposed ordinance, it shall be returned within five (5) days to the Legislative Assistant with a statement of the reasons for disapproval which statement shall be transmitted by said Legislative Assistant to the Council at its next meeting. If the Council shall pass the proposed ordinance by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the entire membership within seven (7) days after such ordinance has been returned with the Mayor’s disapproval, it shall become effective without the Mayor’s approval, subject to said section 3-10. If the Mayor does not return the proposed ordinance within the time required, it shall become effective without approval, subject to said section 3-10. The Mayor may disapprove or reduce any item or items in any appropriation, whereupon the approved portion of the appropriation shall become effective unless the disapproved or reduced portion thereof is passed by the Council over the Mayor’s veto in the manner herein provided, in which case the entire appropriation shall become effective as finally passed.