§ 2-4. Reapportionment of wards and voting districts.  

Latest version.
  • The wards and voting districts as presently established shall continue through the general city election of 1991 and through any special elections which may be held before a reapportionment plan is adopted as provided in this section.

    On or before February 15, 1992, and every ten years thereafter, there shall be designated a reapportionment advisory commission which shall prepare a plan to alter the boundaries of the various wards so as to make all wards substantially equal in population consistent with federal constitutional standards.

    The reapportionment advisory commission shall consist of five members, all of whom shall be electors of the city. Two members shall be appointed by the majority leader of the City Council, and two members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the City Council, in the event that there are members of no more than two political parties on the City Council. In the event that there are members of more than two political parties, or members of two political parties and members unaffiliated with a political party, the members of the City Council who are not a member of the majority political party shall select one of their number, which person shall designate two members of the commission in lieu of the designation by the minority leader. The four members so designated shall within thirty days unanimously select the fifth member.

    On or before the September 30 next occurring, the reapportionment advisory commission shall submit a plan of reapportionment to the City Council, which plan shall be based upon the population figures as reported in the most recent U.S. census. No plan shall be submitted to the City Council unless it is certified by at least three members of the commission. Upon receiving the plan, the City Council shall consider the plan in the same manner as an ordinance. The plan submitted to the Council is of an advisory nature only, and shall not be binding upon the Council.

    If the reapportionment advisory commission fails to submit a plan by September 30, the City Council shall prepare its own plan of reapportionment.

    In any event, whether or not the reapportionment advisory commission submits a plan by September 30, the City Council shall consider and adopt a plan of reapportionment by March 1 next occurring.