§ 6-53. Application and review procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For any application subject to the board's review, as specified section 6-51, the applicant shall, no later than the date of filing of its application for special exception approval, site plan approval, and revisions thereto, and/or for a sign permit in the Main Street Historic District, submit to the Office of the Department of Planning and Zoning a completed and signed copy of the "Design Review Board Application" together with eight (8) copies of all required renderings and plans specified in section 6-52. The applicant is urged to submit such materials at least thirty (30) days prior to such filing to the Planning Commission or Department of Planning and Zoning in order to facilitate the Board's review and recommendations.


    Upon the applicant's submittal of the "Design Review Board Application" and required renderings and plans, the Board shall consider the application at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at such other meeting as the Chairperson deems necessary. The Chairperson shall provide written notice to the applicant of the time, date and place of such meeting, and post notice thereof in the City of Danbury Town Clerk's office.


    The Board shall forward its comments and recommendations to the applicant and the Planning Commission or the Department of Planning and Zoning, as appropriate, within thirty-five (35) days of the applicant's submission of the "Design Review Board Application" and required renderings and plans, or such greater period as may be agreed to by the Department of Planning and Zoning.


    Failure of the Board to act within the time frame specified herein shall not be grounds for the denial of any special exception or site plan application by the Planning Commission or Department of Planning and Zoning, nor shall anything contained herein be construed to extend any applicable time limits for special exception or site plan review imposed by the Connecticut General Statutes.


    All recommendations made by the Board shall be advisory. Nothing herein stated or contained within such recommendations shall constitute the basis of approval or denial of an application by any authority, board, commission or department of the City of Danbury unless lawfully authorized by other rules, requirements or regulations.

(Code 1961, § 2-44(g); Ord. No. 668, 7-3-2007)