§ 48-267. Determination of cost of sewage system; authority to divide benefited territory into districts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City Council shall ascertain the cost of the sewage system and in so doing shall take into account all costs of construction, including, but not limited to, the cost of construction, land acquisition, all costs connected with borrowing whether by temporary or permanent financing, all engineering or legal fees especially chargeable to the project, and any other costs or expenses needed to build the sewage system or a portion thereof, and may divide the total territory to be benefited into districts or segments pursuant to this division, the Charter of the City of Danbury and C.G.S. § 7-249.


    The sum of initial and subsequent assessments shall not exceed the special benefit accruing to the property. No lien securing the payment shall be filed until the property is assessed.


    In assessing benefits against the property in any district, the Water Pollution Control Authority may add to the cost of the part of the sewage system located in the district a proportionate share of the cost of any part of the sewage system located outside the district but deemed by the water pollution control authority to be necessary or desirable for the operation of the part of the system within the district.


    The water pollution control authority may make reasonable allowances in the case of properties having a frontage on more than one (1) street and whenever, for any reason, the particular situation of any property requires an allowance.

(Code 1961, § 16-44; Ord. No. 237, § 1(d), 10-3-1978; Ord. No. 397, § 7-3-1990)