§ 48-234. Sewer use charges.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General sewer use charges established. There are hereby established sewer use charges applicable with respect to all bills rendered on or after July 1, 2018, to all sewer customers. Sewer use charges shall be reflected on the quarterly billing in two (2) components. The first component shall be the sewer use charge for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Danbury sewage works (as defined in section 48-164) and the second component shall be the sewer use charge for the retirement of debt service relating to system renovations and improvements. Such charges, established in accordance with criteria contained in section 48-229, shall be determined in accordance with the following formulas and values:




    When a water meter is used as the basis for billing:


    Quarterly sewer use charge (O&M) =

     0.9 × A × X 
    1,000 gallons



    Quarterly sewer use charge (debt service) =

     0.9 × A × Y 
    1,000 gallons



    When a sewage meter is used as the basis for billing:


    Quarterly sewer use charge (O&M) =

      A × X  
    1,000 gallons



    Quarterly sewer use charge (debt service) =

      A × Y  
    1,000 gallons



    "A" equals the volume of water or sewage, as measured through the customer's water meter or sewage meter, used during the previous billing quarter. Where

    "X" and "Y" are the values with respect to sewer use charges and classes.

    Notwithstanding the prior provisions of this section, there shall be a minimum quarterly sewer use charge, which shall be established herein.




    For sewer use customers with metered City water service, the following sewer use charge values are hereby established:


    O&M value (X) = $2.91


    Debt service values (Y) =

    Land Use Code Definition per CAAO Handbook Land Use Code (LUC) as Assigned by Tax Assessor Y
    i. Residential
    100 Series $0.48
    Single-family under 5 units
    Mobile home parks
    ii. Commercial
    200 Series $8.36
    iii. Industrial
    300 Series $8.36
    iv. Apartments—5 or
    more units
    800 Series $8.36
    v. Apartments—5 or
    more units exempt
    by City Assessor as
    verifiable nonprofit,
    and/or 501(c)(3)
    100 Series $0.48



    The minimum quarterly sewer use charge shall be thirty-two dollars and fourteen cents ($32.14).


    For sewer use customers with flat rate City water service the quarterly sewer use charge shall be:

    Land Use Code Definition per CAAO Handbook Land Use Code (LUC) as Assigned by Tax Assessor Y
    i. Residential
    100 Series $156.41
    Single-family under 5 units
    Mobile home parks
    ii. Commercial
    200 Series $311.00
    iii. Industrial
    300 Series $311.00
    iv. Apartments—5 or
    more units
    800 Series $311.00
    v. Apartments—5 or
    more units exempt
    by City Assessor as
    verifiable nonprofit,
    and/or 501(c)(3)
    100 Series $156.41



    For sewer use customers having no City water service the quarterly sewer use charge shall be:

    Land Use Code Definition per CAAO Handbook Land Use Code (LUC) as Assigned by Tax Assessor Y
    i. Residential
    100 Series $73.34
    Single-family under 5 units
    Mobile home parks
    ii. Commercial
    200 Series $291.15
    iii. Industrial
    300 Series $291.15
    iv. Apartments—5 or
    more units
    800 Series $291.15
    v. Apartments—5 or
    more units exempt
    by City Assessor as
    verifiable nonprofit,
    and/or 501(c)(3)
    100 Series $73.34


    For the purposes of subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a sewer unit shall represent the sewer use for a single-family dwelling. An additional sewer unit shall be assessed for each additional residence within any residential structure. A fractional sewer unit shall be assessed for a portion of the dwelling which, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Utilities, bears, with respect to sewer usage, the same relationship to a whole sewer unit as that portion of the dwelling in question bears to a single-family dwelling. All nonresidential flat rate City water customers shall be assessed for sewer units or fractions thereof based on the relationship between the customer's nonresidential use and the use generated by a single-family dwelling, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Utilities.


    For sewer use customers having a sewage meter (regardless of water service) the quarterly sewer use charge shall be:

    Land Use Code Definition per CAAO Handbook Land Use Code (LUC) as Assigned by Tax Assessor Y
    i. Residential
    100 Series $0.48
    Single-family under 5 units
    Mobile home parks
    ii. Commercial
    200 Series $8.36
    iii. Industrial
    300 Series $8.36
    iv. Apartments—5 or
    more units
    800 Series $8.36
    v. Apartments—5 or
    more units exempt
    by City Assessor as
    verifiable nonprofit,
    and/or 501(c)(3)
    100 Series $0.48



    The minimum quarterly sewer use charge shall be thirty-two dollars and fourteen cents ($32.14).


    For purposes of this section, sewer use charges imposed upon military veterans' posts and organizations that are exempt from federal taxation under section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding Internal Revenue Code of the United States, as from time to time amended, shall be imposed at the residential rates established herein.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of section 48-232 and section 48-233, which shall remain valid for those circumstances specifically identified and reserved therein, the Superintendent of Public Utilities or his immediate designee, in consultation with the Director of Public Works and the Director of Finance may, upon his own determination of necessity or upon written request from any ratepayer petitioning under this section, make administrative determination regarding accuracy and amount of sewer use charges and billing, such decision being final, subject only to an appeal to the City Council or a court of law as set forth in state law.

(Code 1961, § 16-32; Ord. No. 338, 7-1-1986; Ord. No. 350, 7-22-1987; Ord. No. 375, 5-2-1989; Ord. No. 390, 5-15-1990; Ord. No. 441, 5-5-1992; Ord. No. 485, 5-3-1994; Ord. No. 500, 5-2-1995; Ord. No. 536, 5-4-1999; Ord. No. 541, 12-7-1999; Ord. No. 569, 5-7-2002; Ord. No. 612, 5-4-2004; Ord. No. 644, 5-3-2005; Ord. No. 653, 5-2-2006; Ord. No. 701, § 16-32, 5-4-2010; Ord. No. 714, 5-1-2012; Ord. No. 11, § 16-32, 5-6-2014; Ord. No. 24(1), § 16-32, 5-3-2016; Ord. No. 30, § 16-32, 6-7-2016; Ord. No. 35, § 16-32, 11-8-2017; Ord. No. 36, § 16-32, 5-1-2018)