§ 48-216. Discharge limits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Effluent discharge limitations.


    At no time shall the pH of the wastewater discharge, from the grease removal equipment and prior to mixing with any other wastewater from the facility be less than five (5.0) nor greater than ten (10.0) standard units at any time.


    At no time shall the concentration of fats, oils and grease in the wastewater discharge from the grease removal equipment and prior to mixing with other wastewater from the facility exceed 100 milligrams per liter. All analyses shall be conducted according to current method as listed in 40 CFR 136 or as approved in writing by the Superintendent of Public Utilities.


    De minimis discharge.


    An FPE that believes that their establishment may have no adverse impact on the collection system may request a waiver to this division based on de minimis discharge.


    A request for a de minimis discharge waiver must be made in writing to the City Superintendent of Public Utilities. An inspector may then be scheduled to review the kitchen layout, menu and take effluent samples. De minimis discharge waivers are only granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Public Utilities.


    Those FPEs that have been approved for a de minimis discharge waiver will be required to provide a certified letter describing in detail the reason for the limited potential for the discharge of FOG into the collection system. They must also state that if any changes are to be made, the FPE will request, in writing, approval by the City Superintendent of Public Utilities prior to making such changes.


    Inspections of FPEs that have a de minimis discharge waiver status will be conducted annually to confirm that no changes have been made. Inspections may also be made if unauthorized changes are suspected.


    Those FPEs that make unauthorized changes which result in the revocation of the de minimis discharge waiver will be subject to registration fees, inspection fees, and monetary penalties as set forth in this division.


    Those FPEs that are granted de minimis discharge waiver status will not be subject to registration fees and inspection fees, as this division will not apply to their operation as long as their status remains current.




    Sampling ports must be installed on all grease removal equipment, in the discharge plumbing, immediately after the grease removal equipment and prior to mixing with other wastewater from the facility.


    Sample port locations shall be installed for easy sample access and be approved by the agent.


    If sampling is deemed necessary by the agent, all costs associated will be the responsibility of the FPE.

(Ord. No. 40, § 16-23, 9-5-2018)