§ 48-209. Statement of purpose.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The purpose of this division is to set forth uniform requirements for the users of the City of Danbury Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), to capture at the point of origin and dispose of fats, oils and grease (FOG), and to enable the City to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including the General Permit for Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Service Establishments, the Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1251 et seq.; and 40 CFR 403 through 471, for general pretreatment as amended.


    Further, this division has been established to ensure that FOG generated by food preparation establishments (FPE) is removed prior to entering the POTW, to prevent sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), where raw sewage flows from a main pipe or manhole. These sewage overflows can contaminate the ground, local waterways, and property.

(Ord. No. 40, § 16-16, 9-5-2018)