§ 48-202. Industrial waste control.  

Latest version.
  • Where wastes exceed the minimum requirements under sections 48-197 through 48-200 suitable treatment of the wastes to correct these conditions must be instituted before they are released to the public sewers.


    Plans, specifications of facilities. Before any preliminary treatment, interceptors, or protective facilities shall be constructed, the plans, specifications and such other information as may be required relative thereto shall be presented to the Superintendent and no such facilities shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this division unless approved in writing by the Superintendent.


    Maintenance, cost of facilities. Where such preliminary treatment or protective facilities are provided, they shall be continuously maintained in effective operation by and at the expense of, the person discharging or causing the discharge into the public sewers of the waters or wastes for the treatment of which such facilities are provided.


    Records of treatment. Adequate records shall be kept based on regular observations and analyses as to the quality of the effluent of this preliminary treatment when requested in writing by the Superintendent.


    Manholes. When required by the Superintendent, the owner of any property served by a building sewer shall install suitable control manholes in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manholes shall be accessibly and safely located, and shall be in accordance with plans approved by the Superintendent. The manholes shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times.


    Inspectors. The Superintendent or his duly authorized agent shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurements, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this division.


    Noncompliance with provisions. If the Superintendent shall find that there exists a good reason to believe that the requirements of this division have not been or are not being observed, he may require the owner, tenant or lessee of the offending property to furnish him with adequate proof that requirements are met or that said owner or tenant or lessee shall immediately take steps to provide proper treatment facilities, or interceptors, etc., to correct conditions so that conformance to this division will be observed.


    Superintendent's approval for discharge of certain wastes. Upon written approval of the Superintendent certain wastes which exceed the limits imposed by sections 48-197 through 48-200 may be permitted to be discharged into the public sewer if a holding tank is employed and the wastes are released at a constant rate over a twenty-four-hour period. This only applies to intermittent flow, or batch releases of short duration. Such approval may be rescinded at any time by the Superintendent or his successor.

(Code 1961, § 16-12; Ord. No. 81, § 16-5(D), 10-4-1966)