§ 48-171. Septage treatment rules, regulations and fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applicability. This section shall govern the removal, transportation and disposal of all materials removed from any septic tank, cesspool, privy and/or subsurface sewage disposal system, hereafter known as "septage." This section provides minimum standards for the removal and disposal of septage in accordance with sections 19-13-B104b and 19-13-B104c of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.


    Permit procedures.


    In accordance with subparagraph 19-13-B104c(b)(2)(B) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, all septic haulers wishing to dispose of septage within Danbury shall first obtain an annual permit from the Director of Health or his agent. Said permit shall authorize and require the permit holder to transport septage to and dispose of said material at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility. The permit application shall require presentation of a valid subsurface sewage disposal system cleaner's or installer's license.


    In addition to the annual permit required pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section, any hauler authorized to dispose of septage waste at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility pursuant to said subsection shall, prior to such disposal, obtain an individual septage discharge permit for each location from which the septage originates.


    Disposal procedures.


    Each municipally authorized septic hauler shall obtain a sticker, issued by the City of Danbury, which shall be displayed upon each vehicle of each such hauler. The stickers shall include the name of the permittee, the date of expiration of the annual permit, the permit number, and the current motor vehicle registration number of the permittee's vehicle.


    All vehicles used for the collection and transportation of septage shall bear the name of the hauler conducting such activities. Such vehicle shall be maintained in a clean exterior condition at all times.


    Two (2) of the four (4) copies of each septage discharge permit shall be given to the Operator of the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility prior to discharge. A copy of the septage discharge permit shall be retained by the hauler and the final copy shall be forwarded by the hauler to the property owner involved.


    The septic waste disposal area at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility shall be open during such times and shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be established by the Superintendent Public Utilities to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient operation of said facility. A schedule of daily hours of operation shall be posted at the Danbury Department of Public Works and at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility. The Superintendent of Public Utilities shall establish procedures for handling emergencies requiring immediate use of the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility. In such cases of emergency, a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be charged in addition to the regular disposal fee.


    The City of Danbury shall accept only liquid septic waste pumped from tanks or other approved containers.


    Industrial waste shall not be accepted.


    Upon request, any hauler shall provide a sample of any load delivered to the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility for disposal. The City reserves the right to inspect and analyze the contents of any such load.


    No septage shall be accepted without the permits required hereunder and until the proper forms have been filled out at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility and approval is given by the sewage treatment facility operator. The City of Danbury reserved the right to verify any information provided by a hauler including, but not limited to, the origin of any load to be disposed of at the treatment facility.


    Payment procedure. Haulers shall be billed monthly for their use of the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility based upon a formula provided for in subsection (f) of this section. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of billing.


    Penalty for violation. Failure to comply with the provisions hereof may result in suspension or termination of the hauler's annual permit to dispose of septic waste. Any hauler whose permit has been suspended or terminated pursuant to this section shall upon written request be entitled to a hearing thereon.


    Fees. Fees for the disposal of septage at the Danbury Sewage Treatment Facility shall be calculated in accordance with the further provisions hereof. The fee for the disposal of septage that originates from within the municipalities of Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, New Fairfield, Redding, Newtown or Bridgewater shall be calculated in accordance with the formula described in Schedule A of the "Interlocal Agreement for Disposal of Septage Waste," dated November 6, 1984, among the City of Danbury and the towns of New Fairfield, Redding, Newtown, Bridgewater and Brookfield. The fee for the disposal of septage that originates from other locations shall be equal to one hundred and fifty (150) percent of the fee calculated in accordance with said formula.


    Due date; delinquency; penalty. If any fee is not paid in full within thirty (30) days of billing in accordance with subsection (d) of this section, the whole or such part of such fee as is unpaid shall thereupon be delinquent and shall be subject to interest from the due date of such delinquent fee. The delinquent portion of the fee shall be subject to interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum from the time it became due and payable until the same is paid.

(Code 1961, § 16-14; Ord. No. 360, 3-1-1988; Ord. No. 400, 9-5-1990; Ord. No. 493, 11-29-1994; Ord. No. 562, 3-5-2002; Ord. No. 563, 3-5-2002; Ord. No. 709, 12-06-2011)

Editor's note

Schedule A referred to above has not been included herein, but can be found on file in the office of the legislative assistant for inspection by the public.