§ 48-167. Connections to sewers required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All persons who own or occupy any land fronting on a street through which a sewer is or shall be built shall connect all their sinks, drains, water closets and privies on said land with such sewer, and no septic system shall be built or maintained on said land, nor shall the health and human services department issue any permit for any septic system on land so situated.


    All owners of property on the line of the City sewers shall connect their respective premises with said sewers within sixty (60) days after receiving notice from the Superintendent of Public Utilities. All persons who shall neglect to make connections within said time shall be liable to the penalties provided in section 1-8.

(Code 1961, § 16-6; Ord. No. 81, § 16-4, 10-4-1966; Ord. No. 643, 5-3-2005)