§ 48-66. Collection of water rents; abatement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Delinquency, penalty. The owner of property against which any user charge is levied shall be liable for the payment thereof. If any charge is not paid in full on or before the same date of the next succeeding month corresponding to that of the month on which it became due and payable, the whole or such part of such charge as is unpaid shall thereupon be delinquent and shall be subject to interest from the due date of such delinquent charge. The delinquent portion of the charge shall be subject to interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum from the time it became due and payable until the same is paid.


    Authority of Tax Collector. In the collection of water rents the Tax Collector shall be under the control and direction of the Superintendent of Public Utilities and shall obey and carry out all instructions given by him, necessary for the complete and thorough collection of said rents.


    Abatement for disuse. An abatement, on account of disuse, or unoccupied premises, may be allowed by the Superintendent of Public Utilities, provided the person desiring said abatement shall, at the beginning of the time for which any such abatement shall be claimed, give notice to said Superintendent, who shall cause the water to be shut off and the stops sealed. Water closets and bathtubs claimed as not in use shall be disconnected and sealed under the direction of the Superintendent. Seals shall not be broken, nor pipes reconnected, except by permission and under the direction of the Superintendent. He shall, before making the collector's book, cause all pipes so sealed or disconnected to be inspected, and if the seal be found broken, full rent shall be charged. In no case shall an abatement be allowed unless this section is fully and strictly complied with, nor shall an abatement be allowed for any time prior to notices required herein.


    Report of rebates. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Utilities to report to the City Council from time to time all rebates allowed on water rents, stating names of persons to whom allowed and the reasons for such rebates.

(Code 1961, § 21-38; Ord. No. 232, 8-1-1978; Ord. No. 440, 5-5-1992)