§ 48-23. Consumer to maintain, protect fixtures, guard against waste.  

Latest version.
  • All persons supplied with water must keep the service lines, pipes, stop-cocks, and all fixtures and apparatus connected therewith (whether located in the City right-of-way or private property) in good repair and protected from frost, and so arranged and provided with stop- and waste-cocks as to allow the pipes to be kept free of waste during all periods of dangerous exposure to the action of frost, whether by night or day, and must keep the same shut off and free from water whenever the safety of such pipes requires it. No continuous flow to guard against frost or for any other purpose will be allowed, except in special cases and with special agreement as to conditions and rates. Whenever the Superintendent of Public Utilities shall discover that the service lines, service pipes, stop-cocks, and all fixtures and apparatus connected therewith, (whether located in the City right-of-way or private property) are out of repair, he shall at once notify the owner of said premises or sidewalk to make the necessary repairs. If the owner fails to comply with such order within a reasonable time, said Superintendent shall make the repairs, and the expense thereof may be collected from such owner in an action brought in the name of the City.

(Code 1961, § 21-6; Ord. No. 150, 9-23-1970)