§ 46-190. Removal and immobilization.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any vehicle which may be removed or immobilized may be removed or caused to be removed by a Special Police Officer designated by the Parking Authority Executive Director by towing or otherwise. In addition to, or in lieu of removal, any such vehicle may be immobilized in such manner as to prevent its operation, except that no such vehicle shall be immobilized by any means other than by the use of a device or other mechanism which will cause no damage to such vehicle unless it is removed while such device or mechanism is in place. The Chief of the Danbury Police Department shall designate those Police Officers who shall be authorized to remove or immobilize vehicles under the provisions of section 46-189.


    In any case of a vehicle immobilized by a Special Police Officer designated by the parking authority there shall be placed on such vehicle in a conspicuous manner a notice to the owner of the vehicle stating that it has been immobilized, that any attempt to remove the vehicle may result in damage to the vehicle, that if the vehicle is moved and damaged the damage will be the responsibility of the owner and stating the place where necessary fees and charges may be paid to obtain release of the vehicle from immobilization.


    In the case of the removal or immobilization of a vehicle, within twenty-four (24) hours after such removal or immobilization, the parking authority shall notify the owner of such vehicle of the fact of its removal or immobilization, the place where it may be recovered, and the conditions under which it will be released. Notice mailed to the most recent address on file with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall be sufficient notice.


    Whenever a vehicle is immobilized or removed or caused to be immobilized or removed by the parking authority, the parking authority office will be notified of such immobilization and/or removal so that upon inquiry by the owner of the vehicle the least amount of delay will be encountered in the recovery of the vehicle by the owner.

(Code 1961, § 19-66; Ord. No. 251, 8-4-1957)