§ 46-84. Duties of rotation-tower licensee.  

Latest version.
  • A license shall be issued to a rotation-tower subject to the following conditions:


    Exhibition of sticker. The Chief of Police shall issue to a licensed rotation-tower a sticker for each wrecker owned or leased by the licensee indicating that he is duly licensed in accordance with the provisions of this article and the sticker shall at all times be prominently displayed on each wrecker.


    Compliance with rate schedule; invoices. The rotation-tower shall charge for his service only such rates as are approved by the State of Connecticut and an approved rate schedule shall be available for inspection in all wreckers and shall be prominently displayed in the rotation-tower's place of business. The rotation-tower shall maintain copies of invoices related to each incident to which said rotation-tower responds on file for a period of not less than six (6) years.


    Hours of availability. The rotation-tower must be available twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week.


    Response time. The rotation-tower shall respond to Police Department dispatch requests within thirty (30) minutes of notification. In the event that a rotation-tower is unable to respond within said time, the rotation-tower shall promptly notify the Danbury Police Department.


    Non-assignment. Rotation-towers shall not assign their responsibilities under this article to other persons.


    Clean-up. Whenever any rotation-tower removes a motor vehicle from the scene of an incident, it shall be the duty of the rotation-tower to remove and dispose of all glass, metal and other debris that has been cast upon the public highways as a result of such incident. The rotation-tower shall follow the directions of the Police or Fire Officer at the scene and shall not depart from the scene until all debris has been removed and he has been released by said officer. If the rotation-tower fails to properly clear the area of debris the Police Department may require him to return to the scene to complete the cleaning and may skip the rotation-tower the next time that said tower appears on a rotation list.


    Vehicle removal; transportation.


    The rotation-tower shall be responsible for the safe removal of the motor vehicle and its contents from the scene of an incident and for the transportation of occupants, except when said occupants either cannot legally be so transported or have made other transportation arrangements.


    The rotation-tower shall notify the Danbury Police Department whenever a vehicle is removed from the scene of any incident without a Police Officer at the scene and provide the department with information regarding the location and time of the incident, a description of the vehicle and the location of the facility where it is to be stored.


    Emergency access to stored vehicles. In addition to the requirements of state law regarding emergency access to stored vehicles, rotation-towers shall also permit the owner or person entitled to custody of such vehicle, or his authorized designee, to have access to the vehicle in order to retrieve perishable items.


    Police discretion. When a Police Officer at the scene of an incident observes that a wrecker is incapable of safely removing a vehicle from the scene, or that the actions of the operator are creating an unsafe condition, the officer may order the operator to leave the scene. The Police Department may then choose to dispatch another operator or another rotation-tower.

(Code 1961, § 20-18; Ord. No. 650, 2-7-2006)