§ 46-60. Police procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Dispatching wrecker.


    The Desk Officer in the Police Department shall be in charge of the administration of this program.


    There shall be three (3) rotation-tow lists: A weekly tow list, a heavy duty tow list and a serious accident tow list. Each week the rotation-tower appearing next in sequence upon the weekly tow list shall be dispatched to all routine incidents. Each month the rotation-tower appearing next in sequence upon the heavy duty tow list shall be dispatched to all incident calls requiring a heavy duty tower. Each month the rotation-tower appearing next in sequence upon the serious accident tow list shall be dispatched to all incident calls involving serious or fatal accidents.


    Wreckers shall be dispatched to an incident by the desk officer in sequence on a rotating numerical basis.


    No wrecker or employee or owner of a garage or repair shop having a rotation-tow license shall go to the scene of an incident unless dispatched to the scene by an authorized member of the Police Department.


    It shall be unlawful for any wrecker not licensed pursuant to the provisions of this article to go to the scene of an incident with the intent to solicit repair or tow jobs.


    Assignment of tow cars.


    When in the opinion of the officer detailed to investigate an incident, the services of a wrecker are needed, the Desk Officer shall be notified who in turn will call the next rotation-tower in sequence on the appropriate list.


    The Desk Officer shall indicate to the rotation-tower the type of incident, the type of wrecker needed, the location of the incident and any other pertinent information that may be needed.


    If in the opinion of the investigating officer more than one (1) wrecker is needed at the scene, the rotation-tower that supplied the first wrecker shall, whenever possible supply the additional wreckers. Otherwise, additional rotation-towers shall be selected from the appropriate list.


    Failure to respond at the scene of an incident within thirty (30) minutes after being notified by the Police Department will be deemed an unreasonable delay and another rotation-tower will be dispatched.


    Garage procedures.


    No car that has been towed in shall be dissembled until after twenty-four (24) hours have elapsed from the time of the arrival of said car at the garage, and only after written authorization by the owner of said vehicle.


    No car that has been towed in shall be repaired until twenty-four (24) hours have elapsed from the time of the arrival of the said car at the garage and only after written authorization by the owner of said vehicle.


    If the garage or repair shop requested by owner or operator of a vehicle is not open for service, the vehicle will be taken to the garage of the rotation-tower and the vehicle will be turned over to the operator of the garage of the owner's choice upon payment of the towing charge.

(Code 1961, § 20-21; Ord. No. 650, 2-7-2006)