§ 42-163. Hearing.  

Latest version.
  • If any person, firm or corporation objects to the action of the City Forester in the issuance or nonissuance of a permit to remove, transplant, prune or plant any tree or shrub within the control of the City Forester or take any other action for which a permit is required pursuant to the provisions of section 42-159 et seq., he or it may appeal to the City Forester in writing. The City Forester shall then hold a public hearing at some suitable time and place after giving reasonable notice of such hearing to all persons known to be interested therein and posting a notice thereof on or near the trees or shrubs involved. Within three (3) days after such hearing the City Forester shall render his decision granting or denying the appeal.

(Code 1961, § 17-99; Ord. No. 354, § 17-89, 10-6-1987)