§ 42-161. Protection of trees.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall excavate any ditches, tunnels, trenches or lay any driveway within a radius of twenty (20) feet from any tree or shrub located within the limits of any public road or other public place without first obtaining a written permit from the City Forester. All trees within the limits of any public road or other public place and within twenty (20) feet of any excavation or street work or within twenty (20) feet of construction of any building, driveway or other structure shall be guarded either with a substantial fence, frame, box or barrier of such dimensions as may be required by the City Forester or in any other fashion as the City Forester may prescribe. Unless otherwise authorized by the City Forester all building materials and other debris shall be kept outside the barrier.

(Code 1961, § 17-97; Ord. No. 354, § 17-87, 10-6-1987)