§ 42-84. Temporary pavement repairs.  

Latest version.
  • As soon as the excavations have been backfilled and tamped the pavement shall be replaced temporarily by the permittee. The temporary pavement shall consist of a bituminous concrete mixture approved by the Superintendent of Highways and compacted to a minimum depth of two (2) inches or for the full depth of the existing bituminous concrete surface in the case where a surface course and a binder course had previously been installed. The surface of the temporary pavement shall be reasonably smooth and the permittee shall be responsible for its maintenance until the permanent surface can be replaced. If in any case the permittee does not maintain the temporary pavement adequately, the City shall make the necessary repairs to prevent accidents and the permittee shall be charged by the City for this work.

(Code 1961, § 17-77; Ord. No. 245, § 29, 8-7-1979; Ord. No. 284, 6-1-1982)