§ 42-83. Backfilling.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Backfilling of excavations in City highways shall be performed so that the least possible settling will occur. The acceptability of excavated material for use in the backfill shall be determined solely by the Superintendent of Highways. The excavation shall be filled with suitable material and thoroughly tamped in layers not exceeding twelve (12) inches. Compaction shall take place by mechanical rammers or vibrators or by pneumatic tampers or hand tampers. If a hand tamper is used, it shall weigh not less than twelve (12) pounds and have a tamping face area of not more than fifty (50) square inches. Other methods of compaction may be used only with the approval of the Superintendent of Highways.


    The twelve (12) inches of trench immediately below the bottom of the proposed pavement shall be backfilled with processed stone or gravel and compacted in six-inch layers.

(Code 1961, § 17-76; Ord. No. 245, § 28, 8-7-1979; Ord. No. 284, 6-1-1982)