§ 42-80. Slides and cave-ins of excavations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Duties of permittee. If the pavement shoulder or sidewalk along the sides of the trench or excavation becomes undermined due to slides and/or cave-ins of the sides of the excavations, the permittee or his contractor shall remove the pavement, sidewalk or other improvements over the cave-in and shall take immediate remedial measures to prevent further deterioration of the highway or its appurtenances. The permittee shall be responsible for replacing the entire amount of the pavement, curbing or sidewalk destroyed by such slides and cave-ins.


    Bridging of trenches on certain streets. Whenever an excavation shall take place on any major or minor arterial street and shall include one-third ( 1/3 ) or more of the distance of the total width of the street, steel bridging of adequate strength may be required to maintain normal traffic flow and, if required, shall be placed over the excavated trench if said trench is to remain open overnight.


    Sheeting and placing of trenches. Whenever it is necessary to prevent damage to a highway or structure in the highway because of cave-ins or sliding of the sides of trenches, the permittee shall sheet and place the trenches in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent of Highways. A Superintendent of Highways may direct that such sheeting and placing be left in place in order to protect the highway from damage due to settlement.

(Code 1961, § 17-73; Ord. No. 245, §§ 24, 25, 8-7-1979; Ord. No. 284, 6-1-1982)