§ 42-32. General conditions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Time element. No final surfacing shall be permitted unless a reasonable time has elapsed with the drainage and base course in place.


    As-built drawing. No roadway or section of roadway shall be proposed for acceptance until an as-built drawing has been prepared and certified by the engineer or surveyor of the subdivider. The drawing shall show the relationship of the completed roadway to the proposed right-of-way. It shall show the location of all monuments which have been indicated on the final plan and it shall show the location, size and type of all drainage conduits, sewers, water lines and other utilities. It shall also show the location of all drainage easements. This plan shall be drawn in ink on linen and shall be delivered to the office of the Planning Commission.


    Street classification. All proposed streets shall be designated into one (1) of the following classifications by the Planning Commission prior to final approval, following the plan of development.


    Primary—Major thoroughfares;




    Secondary—High density (in sections where zoning permits lot areas of less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or less);


    Secondary—Low density (in sections where zoning requires lot areas of forty thousand (40,000) square feet or larger).


    Grade and cross section. The minimum cross section and maximum grades permitted shall be as follows:

    Primary Industrial Secondary High-Density Secondary Low-Density
    Right-of-way 50'* 50' 50' 50'
    Paved surface, curb-to-curb 36'* 36'* 30' 26'
    Graded shoulder width 7'* 7'* 9' 6'
    Wearing surface Asphaltic Concrete Asphaltic Concrete Asphaltic Concrete Asphaltic Concrete
    Thickness of wearing surface Two Course 3" Two Course 4" Two Course 3" Two Course 3"*
    Maximum grades 6% 6% 10% 10%
    Radius of horizontal curves* 300' 150' 150' 150'
    Minimum distance between curves* 300' 150' 150' 150'
    Stopping sight distance 350' 200' 150' 150'
    Cul-de-sac radius, R.O.W.* not permitted 55' 50' 50'
    Cul-de-sac radius, pavement* 50' 40' 40'
    Curbs required yes* yes* yes* yes*
    Sidewalks required* yes no yes no
    *New or revised standard
    Note "A"—Revoked
    Note "B"—Revoked
    Note "C"—Up to 9% permitted only if approved by City of Danbury Planning Commission and the City Engineer of the City of Danbury after a finding by both that topography and other such conditions reasonably prevent compliance with the 6% grade limitations.



    Certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the Building Inspector until the first course of pavement is in place and has been inspected and found satisfactory by the City Engineer.


    Developer to provide road maintenance. The developer shall provide normal road maintenance, including snow removal, at his own expense, at all times during the course of construction and until the road is accepted by the City Council.


    Cash maintenance bond to ensure maintenance of roads; failure to maintain.


    The subdivider shall maintain all roads which are being constructed until such roads are finally accepted by the City of Danbury as public highways. Such maintenance shall include snow plowing and sanding. To ensure that such maintenance will be performed, a cash maintenance bond in the sum of fifteen (15) percent of the total performance bond must be deposited with the City of Danbury prior to the subdivision being approved by the Planning Commission. Surety bonds are not acceptable for maintenance bonds.


    In the event that the subdivider fails to plow or sand a road within four (4) hours following the cessation of a snowfall or ice build up, the Public Works Department of the City of Danbury shall have the right to plow or sand the road in question or arrange for a private contractor to plow or sand the road in question.


    Should the subdivider fail to maintain a road or make necessary repairs within seven (7) days after receiving notice from the Public Works Department of the City of Danbury that maintenance or repairs are necessary, the Public Works Department may make whatever repairs are necessary or cause such repairs to be made by a private contractor.


    Cost and surcharge for City to maintain road. Whenever the Public Works Department either performs snow removal, sanding or maintenance, or causes to be performed by private contractors any such snow removal, sanding or maintenance, the cost thereof together with a ten (10) percent surcharge to be paid to the City of Danbury shall be deducted from the maintenance bond and shall be paid over to the City of Danbury so as to reimburse the City for any expense incurred.


    Replenishment of maintenance bond. Whenever funds are deducted from the maintenance bond, the subdivider shall, upon written notice from the City of Danbury, replenish said maintenance bond to the original amount required. In the event that the maintenance bond is not replenished, no further certificate of occupancies will be issued for any houses located on the roads in question until such time as the maintenance bond has been replenished.


    Petitions for acceptance of roads. Petitions or requests for acceptance of roads must be submitted to the City Council between April 1 and October 31 inclusive. Such petitions shall contain the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Danbury in accordance with C.G.S. § 8-24.

(Code 1961, § 17-24; Ord. No. 52, § 4, 12-7-1965; Ord. No. 145, 10-7-1969, Ord. No. 190, 8-7-1973; Ord. No. 205, 2-4-1975; Ord. No. 221, § 2, 5-3-1977)