§ 40-48. Powers of the district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    District legal status. The district is a body politic and corporate subject to such statutes and regulations that govern such a legal body.


    Powers. The district shall have the following powers:


    To sue and be sued;


    To acquire, hold and convey any real estate, real or personal;


    To contract;


    To borrow money, provided any obligation incurred for this purpose shall be discharged not more than one (1) year after it was incurred, and such district may pledge any tax levies received against any such obligation;


    To recommend to the City Council the imposition of a levy upon the taxable interests in real property within such district, the revenues from which may be used in carrying out any of the powers of such district;


    To construct, own, operate and maintain public improvements;


    To provide, within such district, some or all of the services which said City of Danbury is authorized to provide therein, such as security services or cleaning services, excluding therefrom any elementary or secondary public education services, and provided that such services are not now being provided within any portion of the area included in such district by any multitown body or authority;


    To retain legal counsel with the approval of the City Council;


    To buy, lease and operate buses, mini-buses or other transportation for shuttle service in the downtown area;


    To receive and use gifts and donations for the purposes of the district;


    To enter into, fund and perform agreements which reduce the cost of motor vehicle parking to residents and visitors of such district;


    To operate revenue-sharing facilities or events and to use the revenues for district purposes.

(Code 1961, § 19B-3; Ord. No. 353, 7-7-1987)

State law reference

Powers of district, C.G.S. § 7-339n.