§ 36-120. Ownership of recyclables; scavenging prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon placement of recyclables on the street or at the curbline or at such other location as has been agreed upon by the property owner or tenant and the collector, or upon delivery of recyclables to any disposal site designated by the City pursuant to the provisions of this article, it shall be a violation of this article for any person other than the depositor or the collector or the authorized agents of the City acting in the course of their employment to collect or pick up any such recyclables or cause the same to be collected or picked up.


    In addition to the fine imposed for violation of this provision, the violator may be required to make restitution to the City for the value of any materials illegally removed.


    Nothing in this article shall abridge the right of any person to give or sell their recyclables, including deposit beverage containers, to any person; provided, that such materials shall not have been set out on the street or curbline or at any designated collection, pickup or disposal site.

(Code 1961, § 16A-85; Ord. No. 406, § 16A-75, 12-17-1990)