§ 36-116. Registration of solid waste collectors; duties and qualifications.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. § 22a-220a(d), any collector hauling solid waste generated by residential, business, commercial or other establishments in the City shall register annually with the City on forms prescribed by the manager. Upon registration and payment of an annual permit fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00), each such collector shall be issued a permit to collect or continue the collection of solid waste within the City. Permits issued hereunder shall not be transferred by the holder thereof. Each such collection shall comply with the requirements of C.G.S. § 22a-220a(d) and provide the information identified in C.G.S. §§ 22a-220(h)(3) and 22a-220(h)(4). Each collector shall further be required to sign an affidavit of origin, under penalty of false statement, that all recyclables disposed of in the name of the City or its residents shall originate from residential properties located within the corporate limits of the City or from such other locations as the City may permit.


    Each collector permitted to collect solid waste within the City pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall, subject to the further provisions hereof, collect or cause to be collected all recyclables generated by their Danbury customers and required to be recycled pursuant to the requirements of this article.


    No collector shall be required to provide collection services to any customer who is more than thirty (30) days delinquent in the payment of the collector's fee. If the delinquent customer shall discharge his delinquency, the collector shall immediately resume collection services to the customer.


    As conditions of the permits issued pursuant to this section, all collectors shall comply with the following requirements.


    Collectors shall conform with all provisions of federal, state and local law.


    Collectors shall keep accurate records of and report to the City or to any other entity designated by it the amounts, both in the aggregate and by category designated in section 36-115, of all recyclable materials collected by such collector within the City.


    Collectors shall pay to the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority or to the IPC operator or to any other entity designated by them the applicable tipping fees and charges with respect to those categories of recyclable materials accepted by and delivered to the IPC by such collector.


    When delivering recyclable materials to an IPC, collectors shall use only equipment compatible with the efficient operation of the IPC, which equipment shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the operator thereof.


    Collectors shall be responsible for all costs or damages relating to the delivery by it to the IPC of materials other than those recyclable materials which have been designated and approved by the City for delivery to the IPC.


    Collectors shall provide to the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority and to the IPC operator or owner a suitable performance bond or letter of credit to ensure the performance of the collector's obligations hereunder. Said security shall be in such forms and amounts as determined by the City.


    Collectors shall provide insurance covering their recycling operation, which coverage shall include the City, the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority and, if recyclable materials are delivered to an IPC, the IPC owner and its operator as additional insureds. Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, general liability, automotive liability, excess liability, workers' compensation and employer's liability in amounts reasonably deemed adequate by the City.

(Code 1961, § 16A-81; Ord. No. 406, § 16A-71, 12-17-1990; Ord. No. 472, 5-27-1993)