§ 36-80. Collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Collection by registered and permitted collectors only. Collectors registered with and holding valid permits issued by the City pursuant to the provisions of section 36-116 shall deliver all acceptable waste collected within the City to the designated transfer station. Only the City and collectors so registered and permitted shall be designated or otherwise authorized to collect and deliver acceptable waste to the designated transfer station. In case of the temporary unavailability of the designated transfer station, acceptable waste may be diverted to another transfer station or site by the City, HRRA or WES.


    Disposal of City solid waste only. No solid waste collected from outside the corporate limits of the City shall be disposed of at the designated transfer station under a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of section 36-116.


    Littering prohibited. No person shall drive or move any truck or other vehicle within the City of Danbury unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded so as to prevent any load, contents or litter from being blown or deposited upon any street, alley, or other public place.


    Delivery. Collectors shall deliver acceptable waste only during the designated transfer station's scheduled delivery days and hours or during other published days and hours as agreed upon in advance by HRRA and WES.


    Vehicle requirements. Collectors shall use only vehicles that are in a safe and clean condition, in good repair, with the capability of mechanically dumping their contents and have a capacity of three (3) tons or more.


    Highway routes. Collectors shall use only those highway routes designated by the City, or by WES with the approval of the HRRA and the City, for the delivery of acceptable waste to the designated transfer station.


    Manner of delivering waste; observation of rules and regulations. Collectors shall deliver acceptable waste in a clean, orderly and safe manner and adhere to all reasonable rules and regulations as made known to the collector by the City or HRRA or by WES with the approval of the HRRA at all times when vehicles and/or personnel of the collector are at the transfer station.

(Code 1961, § 16A-93)