§ 36-24. Clean community provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The owner, occupant, tenant, lessee, proprietor, person in charge, or person using or occupying any commercial, multiple-family structure, institutional or industrial building, establishment or property in the City of Danbury, jointly and severally, is hereby required to keep the public walkways and roadways, driveway, yards, parking areas, work areas, including but not limited to loading and unloading areas, and lots adjacent thereto and under his control reasonably clean at all times and to place sweepings in a container to prevent scattering. If deemed necessary or advisable by the litter control officer, said owner, occupant, tenant lessee, proprietor, person in charge, or person using or occupying any commercial, institutional or industrial building, establishment or property in the City of Danbury, shall provide approved containers of such size, number and type as may be specified by the UNIT Litter Control Officer to be reasonably required to hold litter generated by operations on the premises.


    Every owner, occupant and lessee of a house or building shall be jointly and severally required to maintain garbage and recyclable solid waste storage areas in a clean condition and to ensure that all garbage is kept in an approved container.


    Property owners and general contractors in charge of a construction site are jointly and severally required to furnish approved containers for construction litter. All litter from construction and related activities shall be containerized and shall be picked up and placed in the approved containers at the end of each workday.


    Owners of any food establishment which sells food for consumption on-premises or off-premises is hereby required to keep the public walkways and roadways, driveways, yards, parking areas, work areas, including but not limited to loading and unloading areas, and lots adjacent thereto, clean at all times and to place sweepings in a container to prevent scattering within a radius of two hundred (200) feet.


    Pursuant to C.G.S. § 22a-226d(b), any Police Officer, the City of Danbury UNIT Litter Control Officer, and any other person so authorized by the Chief Executive Officer may issue a citation to any person who commits a violation under this section. Each day a violation persists shall constitute a separate offense. This penalty shall be in addition to any civil penalties applicable under C.G.S. § 22a-220a(i). Three (3) citations in one (1) year may result in the revocation of any permits, certificates and/or licenses issued by the City.

(Code 1961, § 4-5; Ord. No. 664, 5-1-2007)