§ 32-72. Retirement for disability incurred in line of duty.  

Latest version.
  • When such regular member of said Fire Department shall become permanently disabled so as to be unable to perform active service in the Danbury Fire Department by reason of mental or physical disability resulting from injury received or exposure endured in the performance of his duty, he may make application for retirement to the Board of Directors of the 1967 Firefighters Pension Fund and said Board of Directors shall retire such employee on an annual pension, payable monthly, equal in amount to sixty-six and two-thirds (66 2/3 ) percent of pay, or in an amount computed in accordance with the provisions of section 32-71(a), dealing with optional retirement, whichever is greater, provided such member has been examined by two (2) physicians and he has been found by such physicians to be unable to perform active service in said department.

(Code 1961, § 14-32; Ord. No. 199, § 8, 4-2-1974)