§ 32-69. Personnel covered; effect of military service; definition of fractional expressions; changes in pensions; duration, applications for retirement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The provisions of this article shall apply only to those present and future members of the regular paid Fire Department of the City of Danbury, who are or were appointed to said Fire Department on or after July 1, 1967.


    Each year, as shown on the records of the City Council, in which such present and future members have served the City of Danbury shall be counted in determining the years of service for the purpose of retirement on a pension. Military service in time of war or national emergency shall be counted as continuous service in the Fire Department by any member who entered military service while a member of said department, and such member shall not be liable for any assessments during that time.


    The terms one-fourth (¼), one-half (½), and two-thirds ( 2/3 ) pension pay as used in any section of this article shall represent a sum amounting in each year to twenty-five (25) percent, fifty (50) percent and sixty-six and two-thirds (66 2/3 ) percent respectively of the highest salary or compensation received by any regular member of the Fire Department during the years in which he served said City of Danbury; and such pension when determined by the Board of Directors shall not thereafter be reduced, but shall be increased to correspond to any increase in salary received by members of the same grade and rank of such member while in active service of said department.


    All pensions granted under this article to regular members of said Fire Department shall be for the duration of their lifetime, except as further provided for in this article for dependents.


    All applications for retirement under this article by a regular member of said Fire Department to the Board of Directors shall be acted upon and said member shall be retired within thirty (30) days of the date of said application, except as hereinafter provided.

(Code 1961, § 14-29; Ord. No. 199, § 5, 4-2-1974)