§ 30-204. Creation; powers and responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Creation. The City Council of the City of Danbury (hereinafter referred to as "City"), a municipality of the State of Connecticut, hereby creates a public body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Tarrywile Park Authority (hereinafter referred to as "Authority"). Tarrywile Park shall extend to all lands, and additions thereto, of the former C.D. Parks property, except for lands subsequently deleted by City Council through sale, lease or other form of conveyance.


    Powers and responsibilities. Such Authority shall have the following powers and responsibilities:


    To administer, operate and maintain said Tarrywile Park, including all structures and land and any adjacent property owned by the City which is made part of the park;


    To contract and be contracted with in order to administer, operate and maintain said park;


    To make, amend and repeal bylaws, rules, and regulations not inconsistent with general law to carry out its purposes;


    To use and develop park facilities as authorized by law only within said park in accordance with a duly approved master plan, as amended;


    To fix and revise from time to time and to charge and collect fees, rents and other charges for the use of any project or facilities thereof on behalf of the City and in an amount sufficient to pay operating and maintenance expenses and pay the annual principal of and interest on bonds heretofore or hereafter issued by the City to finance the construction and reconstruction of park facilities within said park and the principal of and interest on any obligations the Authority may incur;


    To pay over the net receipts annually in July of each year (gross receipts less operation and maintenance expenses, a reserve for capital improvements not exceeding twenty-five (25) percent of gross receipts for the fiscal year, and Authority Debt Service from the operation of the park) to the Treasurer of the City to be placed in the general fund of the City;


    To make an annual audit, consistent with general law, of the financial transactions of the Authority. The Treasurer elected by the members of the Commission shall be bonded in an amount determined by the Authority;


    To issue its bonds, notes or other obligations as authorized by C.G.S. §§ 7-130a through 7-130w to be paid solely from the revenues of the Authority;


    To accept loans or grants from the City or any other person, government or agency thereof, for the purposes of the Authority; and


    To appoint or dismiss an executive Director and to adopt an annual budget for the administration of the park under the overall direction of the Authority, the fiscal year of said budget to coincide with that of the City of Danbury.

(Code 1961, § 13A-50; Ord. No. 374, 3-7-1989)