§ 2-210. Determining award; contract limited to the lowest responsible bidder; delinquency in the payment of taxes.  

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  • (a)

    Subject to the provisions contained in this division, any contracts for the purchase of materials or supplies shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Any person or organization is deemed not to be a responsible bidder if the bidder:


    Is not an equal opportunity employer;


    Has been found by a court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be in violation of the National Labor Relations Act or State of Connecticut Department of Labor provisions concerning wage rates or local preference and relevant derivative regulations and that such violation continues to exist;


    Is in arrears to the City upon debt or contract or is in default as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City, including the payment of real or personal property taxes or sewer/water charges and other obligations.

    The payment of any such obligation as hereinbefore referenced is to be construed as a condition to the receipt of any award of any contract for the performance of any work or the furnishing of any services or materials or equipment. The purchasing agent may require, prior to commencement of services or provision of materials or equipment, a written certification in a form acceptable to such agent indicating that any such obligations due and owing to the City have been fully paid.


    The purchasing agent shall have the power to reject any or all bids for one (1) or more commodities or contractual services when the public interest is served thereby, subject to the prior approval of the Director of Finance or the office of the Corporation Counsel.


    Whenever any contract is not awarded to the lowest bidder, a full and complete statement of the reason(s) for placing the order elsewhere shall be prepared by the purchasing agent and filed in his records with the other documents pertaining to the award. Any award other than to the low bidder shall only be made upon the prior approval of the board of awards.


    No transaction which is essentially a unit shall be divided for the purpose of evading the intent of this article.

(Code 1961, § 2-152; Ord. No. 425, 9-4-1991)