§ 2-203. Purchasing and bidding procedure; reverse auction option.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Sealed bids. If the amount of the expenditure, purchase or contract for purchasing, including a continuing order or contract for the purchase of the same commodity over a period of twelve (12) months, involves the expenditure of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or more, for a list of related items commonly sold by the same vendors, the purchasing agent shall invite sealed bids or proposals, giving at least five (5) days' public notice thereof by publication at least once in a newspaper having circulation in the city, by invitations mailed to known vendors and by posting on a public bulletin board in the office of the purchasing agent. All invitations to bid shall include detailed specifications or indicate where they can be obtained, shall specify the time and place where the bids shall be filed, the time and place where bids will be opened and the time after opening within which an award will be made or all bids rejected. The requirements for public notice and sealed bids concerning a purchase may be waived by the City Council after a determination that it is in the best interest to do so. The foregoing provisions of this subsection notwithstanding, invitations for sealed bids or proposals, at the discretion of the purchasing agent, shall not be required for contracts for services or where the proportion of services to materials for a particular job is at least seventy (70) percent labor.


    Public bid opening. Bids shall be publicly opened by the purchasing agent at the time and place specified and the full detail of each bid shall be recorded. The agent may, at his discretion, invite interested city personnel to the public opening if, in his judgment, it would be of benefit to the process. An abstract of the record of bids shall be posted for public inspection and shall have added to it information indicating the basis for awarding the contract or purchase order and the name of the successful bidder. Such abstract shall remain posted for five (5) days after the award has been made.


    Failure to provide necessary information. If any prospective bidder fails, neglects or refuses to furnish the purchasing agent with such financial statements and other information as may be required to determine his responsibility as a bidder, his bid shall not be considered. If he fails, neglects or refuses to submit bids in response to not fewer than three (3) consecutive requests therefor on commodities of a class furnished by him, his name may be removed from the list of prospective bidders. Bid irregularities or informalities may be waived by the purchasing agent with prior approval of the office of the corporation counsel.


    Certified check/bid bond. In connection with each advertised request for bids, the purchasing agent may require a certified check or a bid bond to be submitted with the bid, which checks or bid bonds shall be submitted subject to any requirements governing contracts for work to be done on city projects. A certified check or bid bond need not be required for the purchase of commercially available commodities. In the event any bidder shall refuse to accept, within a time specified by the purchasing agent, a contract awarded to him, he shall forfeit his bond to the city, and such contract may be awarded to the next lowest responsible qualified bidder, subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth herein.


    Reverse auction. Pursuant to the provisions of C.G.S. § 4A-60b, whenever the City, through the Purchasing Agent, determines that the use of a reverse auction is advantageous to the City and will ensure a competitive contract award, the City may use a reverse auction to award a contract for goods or supplies, in accordance with any applicable requirement of the general statutes and policies of the City. The City may contract with a third party to prepare and manage any such reverse auction. The reverse auction process may be utilized for goods or supplies in lieu of a sealed bid or request for proposal provided that it is properly advertised and all other applicable award procedures are followed.

(Code 1961, § 2-146; Ord. No. 425, 9-4-1991; Ord. No. 447, 8-4-1992; Ord. No. 28(2), § 2-146, 6-7-2016)

State law reference

Competitive bidding, C.G.S. § 7-148v.