§ 20-62. Landlord retaliation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When actions deemed retaliatory. Pursuant to C.G.S. § 47a-20, it shall be a retaliatory action for a landlord to demand an increase in rent from any tenant or to decrease the services to which any tenant has been entitled within six (6) months after:


    The tenant has in good faith attempted to remedy by any lawful means, including contacting officials of the state or of the City or any public agency thereof or filing a complaint with the Fair Rent Commission, any condition constituting a violation of any provisions of either C.G.S. ch. 368o (C.G.S. § 19a-355 et seq.) or 412 (C.G.S. § 21-64 et seq.), or of any other state statute or regulation, or of the housing and health ordinances of the City;


    Any municipal agency or official has filed a notice, complaint or order regarding such violation;


    The tenant has in good faith requested the landlord to make repairs;


    The tenant has in good faith instituted an action under C.G.S. § 47a-14h(a) through (i); or


    The tenant has organized or become a member of a tenants' union.


    Investigation of claims; hearings. Upon the receipt of any claim of retaliatory action, the Commission shall inform the landlord of the claim and shall investigate the claim. If the claim is not resolved through conciliation, the Commission shall convene a hearing within sixty (60) days of the filing of the claim for the purpose of determining whether the landlord has engaged in a retaliatory action and the Commission shall render its decision within thirty (30) days of the hearing of the case.


    Action of landlord and tenant pending determination by Commission. Pending a determination by the Commission, the landlord shall not pursue a demand for an increase in rent from the tenant or decrease any services to which the tenant is entitled and the tenant shall continue to pay the amount of rent in effect at the time of the claim of retaliatory action.


    Cease and desist order. If after such hearing the Commission finds that the landlord has engaged in a retaliatory action in violation of the provisions of this section, the Commission may order the landlord to cease and desist from demanding an increase in rent from the tenant or from decreasing the services to which the tenant has been entitled.

(Code 1961, § 10-44; Ord. No. 424, 8-6-1991)