§ 20-56. Orders of Commission.  

Latest version.
  • Subsequent to the hearing the Commission shall have the power to:


    Order a reduction or freeze of the rental charge for a period not to exceed one (1) year for any housing accommodation where the rental charge is so excessive as to be harsh and unconscionable to an amount which is fair and equitable, subject to the standards set forth in section 20-57.


    Refer the matter to the appropriate City agency or the law enforcement authorities for enforcement of the appropriate municipal ordinance, Connecticut General Statutes or state regulation, if the Commission determines that the housing accommodation in question fails to comply with any municipal ordinance or Connecticut General Statutes or state regulation relating to health and safety.


    Dismiss the complaint.


    Continue, review, terminate or suspend all of its orders and decisions.


    Continue the complaint for final disposition if it finds that the complaint involves a matter which can be corrected or adjusted between the parties and it finds that such a continuance would be appropriate under the circumstances.


    Order payment of the rent in escrow to the Commission or, in lieu thereof, order the posting of a sufficient performance bond by the landlord until such time as the landlord has corrected any health and safety violations which have been found to exist, and which the Health and Human Services Department of the City of Danbury has investigated and has certified to the Commission as existing Code violations relating to health or safety.

(Code 1961, § 10-38; Ord. No. 149, § 8, 6-25-1970; Ord. No. 239, 2-6-1979; Ord. No. 424, 8-6-1991)

State law reference

Similar provisions, C.G.S. § 7-148d.