§ 20-54. Fair Rent Commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Created; purpose. Pursuant to and in conformity with C.G.S. §§ 7-148b—7-148f, there is hereby created a Commission known as the Fair Rent Commission for the purpose of controlling and eliminating excessive rental charges on residential property within the City of Danbury. This article is enacted in recognition of the compelling need for rent stabilization for the duration of a severe housing shortage in the City of Danbury.




    The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members, all of whom shall be resident electors of the City of Danbury. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the City Council.


    In addition, the Mayor shall appoint two (2) resident electors to serve as alternates, subject to approval by the City Council. Either of said alternates shall act in the place of a regular member who is either absent or disqualified from serving. The term of office of said alternates shall be for a period of three (3) years, or until their successors have been chosen and qualified.


    Terms of office. Members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years.


    Powers. Pursuant to C.G.S. §§ 7-148b through 7-148f the Commission shall have the following powers, consistent with budgetary limitations imposed by the City Council:


    To make such studies and investigations into rentals charged for housing accommodations within the City of Danbury as are appropriate to carry out the duties and responsibilities delegated hereunder, and subject to the terms, limitations and conditions set forth herein.


    To receive complaints, inquiries, and other communications concerning alleged excessive rental charges in housing accommodations within the City.


    To conduct hearings on complaints or requests for investigation submitted to it by any person, subject to the terms, limitations and conditions as set forth herein.


    To determine, after a hearing as set forth herein, whether or not the rent for any housing accommodation is so excessive as to be harsh and unconscionable.


    To order a reduction of any excessive rent to an amount which is fair and equitable, and to make such other orders as are authorized herein.


    Organization and procedures.


    The Commission shall elect from its own membership such officers as it deems appropriate. In any event, it shall elect a Chairperson, who shall preside over its meetings.


    A quorum for any meeting shall consist of at least four (4) members of the Commission. Provided, however, in any hearing on a complaint concerning an excessive rental charge, the Commission shall not conduct the hearing unless there are at least five (5) members present; the Commission shall not order any rent reduction or make any determination that a rent is so excessive as to be harsh and unconscionable, except on the concurring vote of a majority of the members present at said hearing.


    The Commission shall conduct regular meetings, open to the public, to transact whatever business is properly before said Commission. The Commission shall determine the time, dates and places of said meetings, and shall announce the same in advance of said meetings.

(Code 1961, §§ 10-31, 10-33—10-36; Ord. No. 149, §§ 1, 3—6, 6-25-1970; Ord. No. 178, 9-5-1972; Ord. No. 239, 2-6-1979)