§ 20-53. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Except in those situations where the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of the terms used in this article shall be as follows:

    Commission means the Fair Rent Commission of the City of Danbury, Connecticut.

    Housing accommodations means place of residence, including any land or building appurtenant thereto, and mobile homes and mobile home park lots, except the following:


    A hospital, convent, monastery, asylum, public institution, college or school dormitory, or any institution operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes.


    Any housing accommodations owned and operated by the United States, the State of Connecticut, the City of Danbury, the Housing Authority of the City of Danbury, or by any agency or political subdivision of the above.

    Landlord means any person who leases, subleases, rents, or permits the occupancy of any housing accommodation, including a person who manages a housing accommodation owned by someone else.

    Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other business entity, or other association or group, which provides housing accommodations as defined herein.

    Rent or rental charges means any consideration, monetary or otherwise, including any bonus, benefit or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodation.

    Tenant means any person who rents or leases any housing accommodation, as defined in this section, as a residence for himself and/or his immediate family, whether by written or oral lease.

(Code 1961, § 10-32; Ord. No. 149, § 2, 6-25-1970; Ord. No. 239, 2-6-1979)