§ 14-1. Sale, use of space heaters prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Portable space heater means a space heater which when installed in a building is not firmly affixed in place by a rigid pipe connection or otherwise, is not permanently vented and is not permanently connected to a chimney, stack or flue.


    Sale prohibited. No person shall keep, store, sell or cause to be sold a portable space heater using kerosene oil or like fluid.


    Use prohibited. No person shall use, cause or allow to be used in any dwelling, whether the same is owned, occupied, leased or otherwise used by him, a portable space heater using oil or like fluid.


    Certain act a violation. For the purposes of this section it shall be deemed that a property owner has permitted the illegal use of a space heater, if, knowing that the premises are not centrally heated, he has failed to inform himself as to the legality of any heating apparatus used by the occupants of the property.


    Penalty. Every person who shall violate this section shall be subject to the penalty provided for in section 1-8.

(Code 1961, § 13-2; Ord. of 3-8-1962)

State law reference

Sale of unvented fuel-burning room heaters, C.G.S. § 29-318a.